
25 07 2008

Metallica revine!

25 iulie 2008|muzica, senzational|0 Comentarii

Era ora 19:45, iar noi ne-am dat seama ca am uitat biletele acasa: „Fuck!!! Crezi ca mai ajungem pana sa-nceapa Metallica?”. Bagam viteza (atat cat ne-a permis ploaia), ajungem in Berceni, luam biletele, hanoracele si sepcile. Dam un mesaj catre un amic: „A terminat trupa din deschidere? :-S „. Primim raspunsul: „Da”. Bagam viteza inapoi

About My Work

I am a professional designer working in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator and also a programmer in Microsoft Access with VBA and SQL Server. I have worked for the last 20 years in this businesses.

I am also a good WordPress developer (more than 10 years on managing my 10+ WordPress sites and clients’ websites as well).

I follow deadlines very well (they are an essential part of my job).

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