
19 03 2017

William McDonough – 7 Green Cities in China

19 martie 2017|design|1 Comentariu

Architect William McDonough practices green architecture on a massive scale. In a 20-year project, he is redesigning Ford's city-sized River Rouge truck plant and turning it into the Rust Belt's eco-poster child, with the world's largest "living roof" for reclaiming storm runoff. He has created buildings that produce more energy and clean water than they

19 12 2011

Infograficele saptamanii 12 – 18 decembrie 2011

19 decembrie 2011|Infografii|0 Comentarii

In ce tari angajatorii ofera cele mai multe zile libere? O video-infografie a celor de la The Economist. Rock in Rio O infografie despre renumitul festival Rock in Rio. Agentia Grudaemmim, care se ocupa de marketingul digital al festivalului Rock in Rio, a dat la iveala cifrele acestuia: 180.000.000 de oameni au interactionat pe parcursul

About My Work

I am a professional designer working in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator and also a programmer in Microsoft Access with VBA and SQL Server. I have worked for the last 20 years in this businesses.

I am also a good WordPress developer (more than 10 years on managing my 10+ WordPress sites and clients’ websites as well).

I follow deadlines very well (they are an essential part of my job).

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