
30 07 2008

Survey: A List Apart – 2008

30 iulie 2008|internet|1 Comentariu

Rezultatele sondajului din 2007 (in format pdf) pot fi vazute aici (nu stiu daca vor mai fi disponibile la ei pe site, asa ca le-am pus la mine ... for future reference :) ). Calling all designers, developers, information architects, project managers, writers, editors, marketers, and everyone else who makes websites. It is time once

About My Work

I am a professional designer working in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator and also a programmer in Microsoft Access with VBA and SQL Server. I have worked for the last 20 years in this businesses.

I am also a good WordPress developer (more than 10 years on managing my 10+ WordPress sites and clients’ websites as well).

I follow deadlines very well (they are an essential part of my job).

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