Personal info
- Name and prename: Mielus Alexandru
- Address: Str. Covasna 12, Bl. F17, Sc. 1, Et. 4, Ap. 9, Sector 4, Bucharest – Romania
- Telephone: 031- 412 67 75
- Cell Phone: 0721.738.955
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Objective: Those born under the sign of the Virgo are perfectionists. So I want to be better professionally with every day passed by. I am no exception from the rule :)
- Wanted job: layout or web design – Full time, Part Time, Project-based
- Preferred type of company: A dynamic and professional working environment which can use and improve my skills.
- Activity domain: Media or Internet/New Media
- Relevant experience in domain: Media – 10 years / Internet – 5 years
- Availability for residence changing: in the country and abroad
- Availability for bussines travels: less than 30% from my working time
- Metrology Post-highschool (1993 – 1995): metrology ingineer (I never practiced)
- Liceul de Metrologie „Traian Vuia” (1989 – 1993): metrology licence (I never practiced)
Desktop Publishing
- Company, location: Gazeta Sporturilor, Bucharest (No. employees: 250-500)
- Domain of activity: Media/Sports/Publications
- Company description: Nr. 1 sports daily from Romania
- Period: 2003-06 -> 2014-03
- Accomplishments: Gazeta Sporturilor – daily layouts
- Company, location: Elance
- Domain of activity: Internet/New Media
- Company description: Please see my profile on Elance
- Period: 2004-01 -> present
- Accomplishments: Check out my ratings on Elance
- Company, location:
- Domain of activity: Internet/New Media/Design
- Company description: Please see my profile on
- Period: 2009 -> present
- Accomplishments: Check out my ratings on
Desktop Publishing
- Company, location: ProSport, Bucharest (No. employees: 250-500)
- Domain of activity: Media/Sports/Publications
- Company description: Nr. 1 sports daily from Romania at that date
- Period: 2001-05 -> 2003-06
- Accomplishments: ProSport – daily layouts, anual magazine, „ProSport Magazin” and „Dinamo” magazine
Desktop Publishing
- Company, location: Cronica Romana, Bucharest (No. employees: 50-100)
- Domain of activity: Media/Daily Newspapers
- Company description: Daily Newspaper
- Period: 2001-03 -> 2001-05
- Accomplishments: Cronica Romana – daily layouts
Creation and pre-press
- Company, location: IN Advertising, Bucharest (No. employees: 25-50)
- Domain of activity: Advertising/PR
- Company description: Advertising agency
- Period: 2000-11 -> 2001-01
- Accomplishments: IN Advertising – adverts creation and pre-press
Desktop Publishing
- Company, location: Ringier Romania, Bucharest (No. employees: 250-500)
- Domain of activity: Media/Publications
- Company description: Swiss media trust
- Period: 1999-03 -> 2000-11
- Accomplishments: layouts („Libertatea” daily + „Capital” weekly) + images scanning and processing
Desktop Publishing
- Company, location: Economistul, Bucharest (No. employees: 50-100)
- Domain of activity: Media/Publications
- Company description: Economic daily
- Period: 1999-03 -> 2000-11
- Accomplishments: layouts („Economistul” daily) + images scanning and processing + some elements of design
- I own, manage and update many sites.For all sites I tried also a little Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Some results can be seen.
You can also read what others have to say about me on Testimonials page.