
2 01 2012

Infograficele saptamanii 26 decembrie 2011 – 1 ianuarie 2012

2 ianuarie 2012|Infografii|0 Comentarii

Originea Craciunului si traditiile de Craciun In intreaga lume Craciunul este sarbatorit printr-o multitudine de traditii. Originile lor sunt variate, traditiile fiind aparute din culturile si credinte de-a lungul istoriei. Aceasta cronologie ilustrata, pusa la cale de Balsam Hill, surprinde evolutia unora dintre cele mai populare traditii de Craciun. Descoperirea asteroizilor in perioada 1980-2011 Spirala

16 07 2009

Authentication required

16 iulie 2009|internet|1 Comentariu

A venit de la Amazon azi: We wanted to remind you that all Product Advertising API developers will be required to authenticate all calls to the Product Advertising API by August 15, 2009. We noticed that requests with your AWS Access Key ID are not being signed and, while you have more than 30 days

6 04 2009

Amazon vs paid search traffic

6 aprilie 2009|internet|0 Comentarii

Important changes to come for Amazon affiliates who bid on keywords for their Amazon affiliate links on Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other search engines, and their extended search networks. After careful review of how we are investing our advertising resources, we have made the decision to no longer pay referral fees to Associates who send

About My Work

I am a professional designer working in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator and also a programmer in Microsoft Access with VBA and SQL Server. I have worked for the last 20 years in this businesses.

I am also a good WordPress developer (more than 10 years on managing my 10+ WordPress sites and clients’ websites as well).

I follow deadlines very well (they are an essential part of my job).

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